Excerto do livro "The Fall of Yugoslavia" de Misha Glenny, da Penguin Current Events:
"While I was in Novi Pazar, the JNA (nota da autora do blog: Exército Jugoslavo) was completing one of its most unforgiving attacks in Croatia: they were encircling the port of Dubrovnik from all sides, including from the sea. (...)
Despite of everything, nobody I spoke to had even considered giving up the defence of their town. This included a number of Serbians, relations of friends of mine in Belgrade. In contrast to almost all other communities in Croat-held territory, the Serbs in Dubrovnik were fully integrated in the defence of the city while complaining of no discrimination. Indeed they were even more determined that Dubrovnik should remain independent. The history of Dubrovnik is unique in Croatia: the town and surrounding area have a quite distint identity from the rest of the republic as the city enjoyed its own independent statehood for many centuries."
Às vezes, a guerra também faz sobressair o melhor de nós. Acho que é o caso destes Sérvios e Croatas de Dubrovnik.
Em cima, danos causados à igreja de S. Salvador por estilhaços, em baixo, alguns edifícios no bairro mais escondido, que só se vêem das muralhas. Apesar de tudo, a reconstrução está muito avançada e restam poucos vestígios dos acontecimentos de 1991.